Unauthorized charges

Business & Finance

I purchased the Acai Berry Extreme product based on the raving reviews on their site, up to and including listing leading media outlets, I read great reviews and thought I did my homework. Buyer beware... This is a scam. I received my trial. I don't believe the product even has Acai Berry in it and the company phone number is either, A. Disconnected B. Busy try back later C. Company business is closed and you can never reach them.

When the number does seem to connect to a customer service representative, it plays music for a few minutes and then hangs up on you. The email in their 'contact us' section doesn't reach anyone it's a 'noreply email' and the 'live chat' does not go through to anyone. They've charged me $94.57 each time they ship their product with no way to cancel. I am disputing the charges with my credit card company. I'd like to find out who owns this company and who's responsible.

Company: AcaiBerry
Country: USA
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