They Will Do Anything... North Myrtle Beach South Carolina

Business & Finance

To get your money. There are so many people defending a worthless excuse for a safe place to store your money. Your money is better off left in a shoe box. Obvously, there are going to be those folks on here defending good people's claims. Sure, there are many oversights, however — Wachovia is not a trust worthy, nor dependable bank.

I'd been hit with overdraft after overdraft. The first time it happened, it was my fault. My husband and I had just gotten married, and it was hard having two people on one account We admitted to our mistakes, paid our dues. And moved on.

However, back in November, right aroud my birthday, my husband deposited my check into our account. The teller TOLD him that there were a few things in holds - but we would not be affected. Lie. We were hit, several times. She said that even if the check was pending, we'd be fine. She actually talked him out of depositing cash into the bank. Imagine that. He put the check in, according to her advice, and of course, they held it - and even though it was pending - they still over drafted. Now, the problem with this is the fact she told him something wrong. He knew that there were fees there, he knew we could overdraft.instead of allowing him to cash the check elsewhere, and deposit money, she told him we'd be fine.

Next one up - we look at our account, and it's overdrafted. Not having a computer, which online banking is worthless anyway, we're relying on our checkbook to keep up with our account. So, we think that we are writing everything down, deducting and spending accordinly, but we aren't. He goes to use our card, and THERE'S NOTHING THERE! We're owing the bank a ton of money all of a sudden and we don't know why. We are then told that we should have kept up with our charges and written everything down - DUH!

We wind up paying so much money to them, our bills are behind. I actually had to start working later hours to try to make up for these bills that couldn't be paid.

So... Guess what?

We're right on track again, I've paid the bank off - we're in the clear. However, we did make three purchases, all of which we had enough funds in the bank to cover. However, my husband gets paid on Thurdays. Usually, it's during lunch hours that it's actually cleared the bank.

So, we're thinking that we're fine when our auto insurance gets drafted out of our account. But, we aren't.

I watched my bank account for days at this point - I sat there, day in and day out and watched these three purchases stay on hold for four days total.

One night, I checked our account at a little after 12 midnight, we were fine. However later that morning, I checked it again, and in a matter of minutes, we were back to owing the bank money again.

I looked at the account, and wondered what had taken place. At first, I clearly thought that something had occured with the Insurance Company that had claimed they did everything on the day of the month, each time. I called them. They explained to me that they couldn't give a reason as to why they asked the bank for our money, that the decided to go ahead and post it quicker this time than before. Usually, they ask for it on the 7th, and it clears on the 12th of the month. This month, since the 7th fell on a Sunday, they asked for it on the 8th. However, it only took one day to process this time.
My husbands check had already been deposited into the bank as well. We checked with his company, and with their bank.

This is what happened. If they would have just cleared the account with the small purchases, we would have been fine. If they would have released the hold from his check, before placing the auto insurance in, we would have been fine with money to spare.

However, they didn't put his check in first and let it clear, and it was proven by businesses that they waited to take that money out and pay them in order to obtain the best benefit for the company.

Of course I called, and they blamed me, as usual. I authorized transactions.
Yes, genious, of course I did. However, I didn't authorize you, or your computer system to place holds on things - in any given amount of time you'd like - or allow you to post things to my account, whenever you chose, after a merchant requests payment, and I certainly wasn't there training your employees acurately so I'd know that they would actually know what they are talking about without misinforming customers over and over again.

So, this is what I did. I paid the bank, and had to wind up making another deposit. I made just enough to cover one more small item coming through. I left the account with only $. 65 sitting there. I had every intention on closing the account.

Seeing as how I'm a very hard worker, I didn't have time to go to the bank.

So, here comes a company that isn't authorized to use my card, and they charge me $47.00. Of course I call Wachovia. One woman tells me that I need to call the company and get the confirmation number from them, call the claims department back, give them that number and they will refund everything back to my account.in the event that the merchant actually doesn't make payment to the bank, the bank will then go after the merchant.

I do just that. However, when I call Wachoiva back 5 seconds later - there's anothe voice on the phone, not as friendly as the first, and certainly not willing to help.

I'm actually going to have to wait the entire 7 - 10 business days to get this credited back to my account. The first woman that I talked to was wrong, she misinformed me, and that's not how it went.

I have to wait for the merchant to credit me back. I tried to explain to them that I didn't authorize this purchase, they stole from me, they admitted to it, will refund the money, but I have to wait, meanwhile, guess what is backing up again? My bills! It's not like I decided that I didn't want something that I've purchased, and took it back and asked for a refund. These people stole my money, and overdrafted my account.instead of placing the funds in my account temporarily, as I was told before - now, they can't do anything at all, and won't do anything until the merchant pays them back the money, that they stole - from me.

I called again hoping to speak to someone that would actually listen to what happened, and not talk over me, treat me like an idiot, and actually knew what they were talking about. This guy said that he would refund the overdraft fee, however, he went on and on about overdrafts before. And here's a good point to make. After you've over drawn and gotten help, from them, they don't want to help you and flat out will tell you that they can't return anything to your account. However, this guy, was actually able to refund the entire overdraft amount.

But he didn't, here's why.

It wasn't good enough for me that he'd refund the overdraft fee. I wanted ALL of our money that IS our money that WE DID NOT SPEND. It was stolen. He wouldn't do it. Then, he flat out asked me if I wanted the $35.00 or not. I told him not to threaten me. He'd already said he'd do that much, I'd go to the bank and get the rest straightened out the next business day.

He didn't return the $35.00 at all. Not even one red cent.

Bank of America is cruel and unjust. I don't care what anyone that is defending them has to say. I have proof that they've set me up, just to watch me fall and pay them more money, over and over again. This last time was more that enough proof to me that they can and will post and deduct from your account in which suits them best.

You're better off going with a small bank, not a large one. Somehow, they can all get away with unethical practices. Wachovia is probably the worst I've heard of yet.

Maybe everyone should google Lawsuits and Wachovia. I did. I'll never put anymore money into this account. It will be taken.


Company: Wachovia
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: wachovia.com
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