CPIpay.com - Wpay.com - Cspmts.com - Totaltrans.net
Fake credit card processo

Business & Finance

We owned a shop selling consumer goods and signed up for a merchant account with a company called W-Pay.com.

We were a little suspicious about them as they had no address, no telephone number and one email address which when replied to, was never signed.

We started selling goods and taking payments but with held the goods until we received the 1st payment form these people.

That did not arrive, as suspected, so we demanded that they refund our customers and close our account.

We had to put serious pressure on them to do this, and all they asked was for us to carry on taking payments, which was never going to happen.

Luckily, we signed onto our account area and refunded everyone, about 1 hour before they blocked our access, so no-one lost out but us. Anyway, watch these people, they have several names


A whois search shows nothing, these people purposely try to hide. If you are a merchant, don't sign up to them, if you are a customer, get in touch with your bank and get a chargeback.

Hope this saves some people some money.

United Kingdom

Company: CPIpay.com - Wpay.com - Cspmts.com - Totaltrans.net
Country: USA
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Trading as UK co but taking money in US Dollars not sending goods USA

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DigiDivision Ltd - Turnkeyforms.com - Turnkey Forms Via PalPal And BBB

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

The Sconecutter
Accepted my stolen credit card without carefully checking signature

Ripoff - they never send goods or refund your money Nationwide

Pnc Merchant Services
PNC Merchant Service stole $750 from my account

Took extra money from my bank sent no goods at all and made excuses

New $ embezzling policy! Greedy corporate thugs without conscious enforce mobster-like tactics to illegally obtain profits with your money!

United Bank Card
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