Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
WFHM is not interested in modifying your mortgage, they want you to re-affirm your debt that they sold

Business & Finance

Wells Fargo, as one of the largest purveyors of subprime mortgages, has no interest in restructuring your mortgage. They simply want you to affix your signature to a new document to "re-affirm" your debt. Their intention was not to make you a homeowner, their intention was to get your signature on a negotiable instrument that could be sold and re-sold at a profit, defrauding the investor and the homeowner. Once your mortgage was sold "upstream" into the mortgage-backed security pipeline, they expect you to fail so they can also foreclose on te real estate. These people are criminals.

I am currently pursuing a lawsuit for predatory lending, wire fraud, fraud in the factum, etc., for the mortgage they gave me. After much personal anguish and stress, I started investigating the "mortgage meltdown", securitized structured finance, and predatory lending. WFHM falsified my asset statement (prior to closing) to pass this loan off to the investors who "table funded" my loan. They didn't care if the loan was repaid, they already got their money back (plus a hefty commission). Their intention is to steal your real estate after ruining you financially.

Stand up and fight. Send your qualified written request, demand to know who holds the note, and to what structured cdo your loan was assigned to. Check your mortgage documents for errant information regarding your application, asset statement, etc, and get a mortgage audit performed. There are laws on the books to protect you, but you have to fight!!!

If you need help, refer to

Company: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
Address: 1 Home Campus
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