Unauthorized bank withdrawls

Business & Finance

Opened account in 10/07 for credit card processing and was charged monthly fee. My account with Secure Pay was canceled in 1/08. I continued to get billed every month since.

Every month Since 2/08 I have called in spoke with a manager. I informed them that the account was canceled and that I'm being billed. Every month they issue a refund and tell me that the problem has been corrected only to find out the next month I am billed again.

Every month I call in and go through same process all over again of calling in, receiving a refund, being told that it wouldn�t happen again.

This past month 8/08 I was on vacation when they charged my account and I received on overdraft fee from the bank. I need the withdrawals to stop I have not had an active account since 1/08. I want reimbursement for the withdrawals and the overdraft fee of $35.00.

Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Quincy
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Unauthorized bank withdrawls

Raven Media
Charged me 29.95, then 7.95 for two months after I had canceled

US Bank
Ripoff, Complaint filed with Oregon Department of Justice

Wpi*ifriends Internet 800-ifiend
Ripoff billed me twice in one month for one account then some how got new cc# and billed again internet

United Marketing Group
UMG Advisor, UMG Buyers Edge Umg fraudently charged my debit card $19.95 per month for both Buyer's Edge and My advisor, this totaled close to $40.00 per month since April

Fraud in billing practices

Bank Of America
Bank of America Bank of America will handle your debt card withdrawals in a way to make sure your account goes into overdraft
Ripoff fraudulent billing / unauthorized California

"" My checking account was charged 8 times after cancellation, and my bank charged me over $100.00 in Bank fees because of it Internet

ASF International
Billing mistakes every month, refuse to refund you / Denver/Boulde