Capital One Credit Card
Snakes of deception, greed

Business & Finance

I recently had a policy with you through Capital One Credit Card. I cancelled my credit card and your company kept on taking deductions from the credit card.

This credit card company is not a secure company. They told me that you had a deal with them to keep making deductions from my
account after I cancelled them. If this is true than your company is all fraud and is not a safe company for the American public.

I've heard lame excuses and perhaps yours is by far the best. I hope your company folds because you represent greed and propaganda. Being honest and doing the right thing for your customers was what you once had and you joined a company that is unsafe and both of you have turned into snakes of deception.

I promise you this, I will do everything in my power to
eliminate the selfishness that your company has aquired. Credit card companies can have many problems and sometimes many things go wrong and need to be repaired and your company has no respect for this situation.

Shame on you! What a disgrace!

Company: Capital One Credit Card
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Richmond
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