Aspire Visa Card
Claimed I am over limit, in four years, never have been

Business & Finance

I have had the card for four years. Paid early, never late... And paid more than due amounts. On Nov. 23rd. Got a letter saying I am over the limit, and closing my account. I have never been over the limit before, nor ever late on payments. I had just paid Nov. Payment (way before the 23rd), and knew there was some credit still available on my account, to cover the charge I made. I am so very disappointed and shocked.

I called them... Only people with accents to talk to. I have trouble hearing, so accents make it worse for me to understand someone. I was told they are closing the entire Visa program. I have paid the account off two different times. From what I have read, they charge all kinds of hefty charges, that raises the amount a person owes... I wondered why my credit card kept going up so high... Even tho I did not use it a lot. I assume it is because of all the charges they put on the card... I didn't know just how many kinds they add on, until I read some information on here.

I can't hardly believe this is happening. I do like having a Visa card... And now this happens. Some places don't accept a Master Card. I am just crushed.

Company: Aspire Visa Card
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Phone: 5402651410
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Aspire Visa - Tribute
Ripoff Closed my account for non use

Aspire Visa
Fraudulent Charges

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