Signature Credit Corp
Ripoff Thanks to complaint

Business & Finance

I received a letter in the mail telling me i had a credit limit of 10,000.00 for a signature classic advantage card.

I tried to find a phone # but i could not find one in the phone book, on the web or in the lettr, they did not provide a web address either.

So thanks to the rip off letters that i read i was saved from being ripped off. Because i was going to mail my money in today. So thanks to the rip off letters i'm saved.

Company: Signature Credit Corp
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
Address: 333 City Boulevard West 17th Floor
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Signature Credit Corp - Classic Avantage Card
Signature Credit Corp Classic Avantage Card ripoff Wanted to rip me off. Tried to contact same and got no responce

Signature Credit Corporation
Consumer fraud ripoff

Signature Credit Corporation

Signature Credit Corp
Ripoff, deceptive company, credit card scam

Signature Credit
Classic Advantage - Rip Off ripoff from Signature Credit / Classic Advantage Corp

Signature Credit Corporation Thank you for saving me from being RIPPED OFF AGAIN!

Signature Credit Corp Classic Avantage Card
Wanted to rip me off. Tried to contact same and got no responce. Thanks complaint

Signature Credit Corporation
Ripoff, I was to send them $37.00-$43.00, sent $43.00 for Priority Mail rip-off Califonia

Signature Credit Corporation
Signature Credit ripoff they tried to rip me off but I looked them up first Nationwide

Signature Credit Corporation
Deceptive ripoff company