Castleguard Publishing
Almost Got Away With It rip-off. Thank You

Business & Finance

Castleguard Publishing almost got away with it. I have been trying to find information on them on the internet but, have found nothing until now. I sent in the $169.00 to get all of the material but, I ended up cancelling payment on the check (luckily the day it arrived in my bank to be cashed). I still received all of their stuff to send out and noticed that I had a lot of duplicate addresses on the sheet. I went through all of the names and address and came out with only 60% of letters that I would have been able to send out without it going to some of the same people twice (some of them 5 times).

I think that alone makes it to where even if you DID get money from these people (which you wouldn't) you have less of a chance of a decent check because of all of the duplicates. I am glad that I found this site because I would have felt awful helping these people rip off more people.

Company: Castleguard Publishing
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
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Castleguard Publishing3629 Midway Drive, Ste B-292
Castleguard Publishing ripoff

Castleguard Publishing
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Castleguard Publishing
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Castleguard Publishing
Beware! I was seriously considering taking advantage of this offer. Thanks to this Web site, that's not going to happen! Deceptive, rip-off company