RSS Publishing
Monies taken out of account on false pretense

Business & Finance

Was charged $59.00 instead of 1.59 which i agreed on to pay for shipping and handling for a CD. These charges caused my acct to default. And a fees charged. I covered 1.59 no 59.00 Please take care of this matter as soon as possible. I will check my acct for reversal on Thursday. Or I will contact you again.

Company: RSS Publishing
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
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Compact Box Balors And Conveyer
Rip-off! Unfair charges

Government Grant Membership Catalog
Debited money two different times on my acct. Without my knowledge, and caused me to overdraft my acct. And my bank charged me overdraft fees of over $200

Jim Ross Real Estate, Foreclosure World, Jordan Publishing Illegally
Jim Ross Real Estate, Foreclosure World, Jordan Publishing Charged my account $297 on same day items returned... Will not answer phones or answer messages left to refund my account
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Bank Of America
Removed funds from my acct. Without my permission. Fraudlent charges against my acct. Ripoff

The Original Diet Patch
Ripoff charged my Visa acct. Without my permission ($169.95)

Net Detective, Hd Publishing
Deland, fl offered "free 30 day trial" for "advanced web detective" and then immediately charged additional $29.95 to my credit card

City search
Editing and/or removing ones own comments

Williams Online Credit
Consumer Report