Bottom Line Books
Received book that was never ordered

Business & Finance

I obtained a guide i did so not buy and obtain no reply from their store.

Company: Bottom Line Books
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Bluffton
  <     >  


Bottom Line Books
Mailed me some books that I hadn't ordered, with a bill for $47.94 Des Moines Iowa

Bottom Line Books
Delivered 2009 Year Book that I never requested

Bottom Line Books
I am reporting this fraudulent company name "BOTTOM LINE BOOKS." I Am Not Sure Because I Visted Serveral Sits. Maybe Sugar Land

Bottom Line Books
Unsolicited books

Bottom Line Books
Received books i did not order. I am now being charged $47.94

Bottom Line Books
Unauthorized book —returned

Bottom Line Books, Boardroom Classics
I paid Check # 5060 for $41.75 on 05/02/07—Yet Bottom Line Books Sent another bill for the same amount

Bottom Line Books
Bottom line book company-desceptive tactics that drive consumers crazy

Bottom Line Books
Books I did not orde

Bottom Line Publication -or-Bottom Line Books
Bottom Line Publication - Bottom Line Books They won't leave me alone HELP ME Des Moines IOWA