
Business & Finance

Recieved amessage on my phone from this place. How can we avoid scams on our phones and computers?

In the living situation I am in this breaks my spirit, as I am trying to find help for a place to live right now, and do not have enough funds for a place... Shame on these stupid little creeeps!!!

Country: USA
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Consumer Report

Concern Resident
Hunters Trace apartments Fraud Deceptive Management. Don't Think About Living There

RequestAGrant Insitute
I can never get in touch with anyone. Always a phone number a run around. Washington

Diamond Properties
This so - called agency that helps people find a place to has provided no help and will not refund my money

Spirit Incentives
Spirit, spirit incentives, 2455 sunrise blvd, travel scam, spirit scam, timeshare scam

Autumn Ridge Apartments
Horrible Place To Live. Don't Move in Here

College Park - The Landings Apartments
College Park apartments, The Landings Unfit living conditions, but they won't let you out of your lease. Ripoff

Pat Race
Scam ripoff I honestly feel that the school taxes should already be figured into the rent of our place without any additional charges

Nuwest Imports
Ripoff, same profile as wheeler imports

Lake Parker Court
Trailer park place floods has drugs, drunks, bumbs living there does not tell you about this