SBC Worldwide
Sent unauthorized invoice for potential seminar that no one was registered fo

Business & Finance

Sent an invoice for 1423.96 (after a 20% discosunt) for Registering for a seminar (Fnancial Services Technology 4/3,09) that no one from my office registered for; however, upon receipt of the payment they'll be registered. Sure sounds like some type of fraud to me. Want our company name taken off their mailing list.

Company: SBC Worldwide
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 80 Broad Street 5th Floor
Phone: 2125059000
  <     >  


SBC Worldwide
SBC Ripoff - Healthcare Technology 2009 - Bogus Invoice for $1423.96

SBC Worldwide LLC
Invoice sent for non-existant seminar registration

Sbcworldwide, SBC WorldWide, SBC Worldwide LLC
Fake invoices to phish money from law offices

CareerTrack - Fred Pryor Seminars
CareerTrack Fred Pryor Seminars Won't give money back

Lifetime warranty is marketing gimmick

SBC Worldwide
Rip off

Identity Hawk
Unauthorized bank transactions

Live out Load
Loral Langemeier, The Millionaire Maker no refund was late by 3 days

DNS Services
Fake Invoice

Fred Pryor Seminars - CareerTrack
Unethical charges and changing rules on Rewards Program after payment! San Diego, California