DMI Debt Modifiers
DMI, Debt Modifiers Fixed rate credit card scam for preferred customers

Business & Finance

I got a phone call yesterday from someone who said he worked for DMI (Debt Modifiers, Inc) and that if I express mailed him a check for $198.00, I was guaranteed to get a 6.9% fixed rate credit card that I could use to balance transfer amounts from higher interest rate cards. Said that he worked for the banks and that I was getting the call because I was a "preferred" customer.

I did a reverse lookup on the 888 number I was given and found that others got the same offer earlier this year for $298 and never got the promised materials and that the 888 number allows you to leave a message, but you'll never hear from anyone.

Company: DMI Debt Modifiers
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Phone: 8882515547
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