Heritage Web Solutions
Unauthorized charges

Business & Finance

Heritage Web Solutions has not only *not* finished contracted work 2 months out from the stated finish date but they continue to put huge charges on our company credit card for which there was no agreement.

Otherwise called THEFT.

Credit Card company was notified and stated they "cannot stop the charging" you can only dispute them, even if they are reported as fraudulent in nature. Its a Dickensian nightmare.

I have never seen dealt with a company that so consistently flirts with fraud and outright fraud so persistently without being busted.

Company: Heritage Web Solutions
Country: USA
State: Utah
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Heritage Web Solutions
They will steal your money!

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Heritage Web Solutions (Brad Stone, 52, Mark Strong, 58, And Leah Young, 36.) Heritage Web Design, heritage Solutions, heritage E-commerce Web Design Heritage Solutions Internet fraud, complaints, deceptive business practices, threats

Scott & CC Law Group
Credit Card charge fraud and very poor service

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Absolutely the worst web company out thei

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Heritage Web Solutions
Look America, this is how Heritage really does the business!

Smc Company
Cvelazquez - techsupport@emerchantclub fraudulent charges to credit card, month after month ripoff Internet