Central Credit Service
Harrassment, Intimidation, Insults - Violate Fair debt collection practices

Business & Finance

Tasha Mack from Central Credit Services called me this week. I was expecting a call from someone about my debt, but I never imagined I would be spoken to the way this lady did. She insulted me right away, made assumptions about me, and harrassed me. I told her i would like to work out a payment plan, but she just kept insisting that it wasn't enough money and that I need to go to friends and relatives and borrow money. When I told her I can't do that, she asked me if I burned bridges with them - already borrowed money. She asked me prying and personal questions about my ex and was probably the meanest and rudest person I have ever spoken to in my life. I finally asked to speak with her supervisor and after my pleading for some time, she finally put me through.

Craig Nelson was the so called manager's name and he was just as bad. I got off of the phone before he insulted me too much.

I did receive a bill from them, but I don't know if I should start making payments, or if their is a way to get this debt switched to an agency that is easier to deal with. The tactics they use are nuts. How can they sleep at night?

Company: Central Credit Service
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Jacksonville
Address: PO Box 15118
Phone: 8889041800
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