Law Office Of Thomas Landis, APM Financial
Abusive, threatening, and harrassing debt collecto

Business & Finance

I was recently contacted by the Law Office of Thomas Landis trying to get me to pay a credit card debt that is one I paid off and closed at least 3 years ago (or one that wasn't mine at all - not sure since they could not provide any documentation). By the way, even if I did have such a debt, the statute of limitations would be expired in my state anyway. They contacted me at my parents' home phone number. I just happened to be visiting my parents' house when they called. The last address they had for me was one I lived at over 3 years ago.

The first person I spoke with - a man named Scott Summers - was very hostile and threatening. He first said he was from "Law Offices, " then also said he was from "APM Financial, " which is suppose is the company they are working for.

He said I owed some $4,700 on a Chase Mastercard account. I tried to tell him that I had no such credit card or debt and I asked for the name and address of his company so I could send a debt validation letter. He acted as if he had no idea what I was talking about. I kept asking for his contact information and he responded by making threats such as "we're going to contact the city of [where I lived] and have them deal with you, " which I suppose a threat to file suit against me. I also told him that the number he called was not mine, but my parents', and that the address they had for me was 3 years old. At this point, he kept repeating, "so you're saying that you refuse to pay this debt? I am going to record you as being uncooperative and refusing to pay." I then asked to speak with a supervisor, and he hung up on me.

I looked at my caller ID and called them back. Next I spoke with a man named "Matthew Bullock, " and it was more of the same. He spoke in a very aggressive and abusive tone. He would not listen to a word I said.

Several days later, a woman called (but I did not get her name). Again, she called at my parents' house. Her tactic was to threaten my father! Somehow she had my father's name (probably a reverse lookup on the phone number) and she said "does [father's name] know about this? Does he know he will have to pay for this?" This made no sense since I am an adult in my 30s and my parents, in their 60s, would have no liability on my debts whatsoever, and they've never co-signed for anything.

Anyway, I looked up the company online and found two addresses for them (listed below) and sent a debt validation to both offices via registered mail. Two weeks later, I got a letter back - signed by Thomas Landis, Esq. Himself - saying: "Please be advised that this account has been closed and placed on cease and desist status. No further collection activity will be taken on this file from this office."

So, victory! Or, until they sell the account to another scumbag bottom-feeding debt collector!

Law Office of Thomas Landis
4 Greenwood Square, Suite 220
3325 Street Road
Bensalem, PA 19020


315 E. Girard Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19125-3918

The number they called from: 215-642-3395

Main number: 215-642-3400

Company: Law Office Of Thomas Landis, APM Financial
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Bensalem
Address: 4 Greenwood Square, Suite 220, 3325 Street Road
Phone: 2156423400
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