Debt Management Credit Counseling Corp
Debt Management Credit Counseling taken money ignored my requests paid bills late & ruined my credit rip-off

Business & Finance

In a sincere act to get my bills together and never have a straggling late bill again I thought a debt managment company would help, I was very mistaken. Don't ever sign up for one of these. My credit is ruined, my credit card companies revoked my credit - didn't even know what that was until I spoke with them about it.

DMCC does not tell you about all of the bad marks that go against your credit reports for signing up with them. It actually does more harm than good to try to fix your credit with a company like this. I have paid them 2 months worth of credit card payments and still none of them have been paid. Not only has my credit been revoked but all of my accounts are delinquent. Now that I have paid them they no longer hound me on the phone on a daily basis, however, now that I need answers, I only get transferred and hung up on.

I am canceling my service with them at a great cost to me and my future. At such a young age I am learning that for the next 7 years my horrible credit history will follow me and I will probably be punished for it by not being able to buy my first house when I planned and not be able to buy a new car, all the things you think you can do after you graduate and finally get your career.

Company: Debt Management Credit Counseling Corp
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: 700 Banyan Trail, Suite 200
Phone: 5619819050
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