University Of Phoenix Online Campus, Apollo Group, Axia College
University Of Phoenix, Apollo Group, Axia College What are Student Loans For If They Take Your Grants Anyway

Business & Finance

I took my first finals, Unfortunately, my computer crashed three days before finals so I had no notes to look back on to help me with the finals. I was four minutes late and I failed my Com 140 final because I handed it in late and Basic Com I received an A-.
Now they tell me that I need to re-take this course in order to get my Associates. So I said okay I understand, of course I am not going to argue the issue, I want to further my education to pursue a better career.

Now I am told, I need to pay out of-pocket expenses of 975.00 to pay to re-take a course, I do not understand if I took out a student loan how will this not cover this course how can they take my pell grant?

Company: University Of Phoenix Online Campus, Apollo Group, Axia College
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 3157 East Elwood Street
Phone: 8003669699
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Apollo Group -Axia College -University Of Phoenix
Apollo Group - Axia College - University Of Phoenix - Axia College of University of Phoenix = Ripoff Its a "Fuc

Axia College - University Of Phoenix - Apollo Group
Axia College University Of Phoenix Apollo Group Axia College is a rip off! They charge you per class not per block!

University Of Phoenix
Axia on line Would not apply my awarded Pell Grant for $2775.00 towards the class that I failed for $1225.00 and now I cant return to class until this is paid. I was attending the University on student loans and

Apollo Group - Axia College - University Of Phoenix
Axia College Financial Aid Mismanagement and Manipulation of Students

Axia Of University Of Phoenix, University Of Phoenix, Apollo College, Axia University, Apollo Group
) Scam

Apollo Group & AXIA
University of Phoenix Money that goes in, does not fit what come out!

(Axia College Of University Of Phoenix
Axia College Not happy with Phoenix. Want to assist in filing class action lawsuit

Axia College - Western International - University of Phoenix
Ripoff and too unorganized

Very bad courses... Big ripoff... Still holding my pell grants

University of Phoenix
Axia College Please Help! I don't know where else to turn for help. Axia College has been very unfair to me