Pom Clear

Business & Finance

I do want to include my criticism towards the others I've observed. You will find containers to uncheck that aren't easily noticeable. I had been billed 41.85 after I was recommended I'd obtain a free test with only $1.95 shipping. The merchandise nevertheless hasn't appeared and that I was informed that I'd to deliver to back before they wouldcredit my bill. Beware. I eventually got a realtor about the telephone who had been uncomfortable and unhelpful.

Company: Pom Clear
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
  <     >  


Google treasue chest
Poor Execution

GNS/Acai Berry Edge
Deceiptive Terms, Rip-Off

Verizon North
Buyer beware

False Advertising

Acai Berry Free Trial (GNS Inc.)
Unauthorized charges

Res v Max
Charged for a free trail

Celebrity White Teeth
Bait and Switch Tactic, Scam

ColonMed 700
Send product even if you cancel within 15 days to discontinue and charge credit card

Central Coast Pharmaceuticals
Acai Pure Product

Disney Channel
Disney test - MacBook Air Laptop