Scam charges

Business & Finance

I wrote a review back in May about Melalueca it was titled They wont let you cancel once you joined and still try to charge! I was pretty heated about the whole ordeal. Since then I have gotten Some people post comments that were way out of line, Saying if you were more calm and understanding about it they would have helped you! In my defense I was very patient with everyone, i understood the situation. Yes i was at some fault for dealing with my 2 and 1 year old at the time of the 10 min. Phone recording once you joined about cancellation and the process i even told her just call back in 10 min! And yes i was at fault for giving in and joining when i really didn't want to. But, I didn't want to owe money in the first place so why be mean to people who were trying to help resolve the whole issue? I did get some very rude people they would call until 11 at night saying that if i didn't pay it, it was going on my credit report. Some of the people i talked to were very kind! Others not so much I joined on the 12th of March.

I repeatedly talk to my sponsor via instant message and e-mail and even phone. When i told her i wanted to cancel on the 20th which was 8 days later she never once said by the 25th. I had actually called the company itself to cancel. Like i said i called every time after I faxed the letter to make sure they got it on the 24th almost 7 times. I have heard people saying that oh they did you a favor by letting you fax it. But obviously it didn't do me any good because 6 hours later and 10 dollars out the letters never got there.

I also mailed about 3 letters! Not even days apart from each other. The only one they got was the registered one I sent and paid 5 dollars to send it! So yes there was a few really kind service people and i told them they were for trying to help! But the harassing phone calls and a 18 dollar debt collection later I think was over the limit. More power to you if you love the Company or been with them for years! I am not saying everyone who work with them are bad just they do have some very rude people who have no respect for honest mistakes. So before you respond about how i didn't take the time to be nice or i should have thanked people for trying to help, know the situation. And everyone has different experiences and that is what this site is for to list the good and the Bad and mine was one of the bad.

You want to respond being rude go ahead! Because if you want to help delete it from my credit report i still have all the paper work and who i talked to filed in my office. I even have smilies written by the people who were nice and tried to help i have written the names of representatives that called at like i said 11 at night using threats about my credit report trying to get me to pay it. So if you want to look at me file go ahead. But don't respond saying it was my fault when all you heard was just the events i went through with the situation! I actually spent more trying to cancel than what they charged on my credit report. I am not some Irrate Crazy lunatic who just wants to down a company. Wrote my experience and how it happen. If you want to stick up for the company thats okay but let people write the good or bad reviews without the whole "justice league ordeal. "it is our right to write our experiences and there is a bad side to every company!

Company: Melaleuca
Country: USA
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Health Leader MD
Consumer Report

JMW Financial Services
Scam! Work at home rip-off!

Free Credit
Would not cancel my account when asked repeatedly to do so -charged over $169 - pretty good deal if they do this to 1,000, 000 people

Plains Commerce Bank
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Ivy Capitol
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National Action Financial Services
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