500 FastCash
They keep on taking even when you are paid off!

Business & Finance

I usually use Cashnet.com and I am satisfied with them. I needed extra funds so I used 500FastCash. I recieved $250.00 from them and I was told that I would have to pay back 325.00. After I paid off 500FastCash they still took out another 75.00 and then they took an additonal 50 dollars. The bank gave me the phone number to 500fastcash, and a women told me that I was supposed to call and tell them that I wanted them to stop taking money out my account. If I paid off the loan then why do I have to call and ask them to stop taking money. Then she told me that I owe 278.00 more interest fees. I just died, I just started college. With school and bills I barely have any money to eat. I wanted to die, I will now close that account and open up a fresh one to make sure that no one else will robb me.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Company: 500 FastCash
Country: USA
Site: www.500fastcash.com
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500fastcash payday loan rip-off internet

This can not be legal

I borrowed money from 500fastcash of $300.00 and the agreement was that they will take $30.00 a month out of my account. I borrowed $300.00 the agreement was they would take money out of my account

Ameriloan.com - 500fastcash.com
They are still taking money from me every month now its up to 150.00 and I don't know what to do Ameriloan.com - 500fastcash.com

I had gotten a $150.00 from 500fastcash.com in December. I have paid this loan back and just yesterday I recieved a phone call from some lawyer telling me that I had two hours to come up with $35

Crooked business practices. They took money from my benefits card which left me short to pay my rent, and the next day called to offer me a new loan for $600.00. They also sold my informatiion

500fastcash - Ameriloan
Loaned me $300 They took $960 Even after I stopped payment they issued a check and got more

They have taken more money out of my checking account than they was entitle too they are still taking i have told them stop

Misleading-Represented themselves as a payday loan. Now withdrawing money out of my account and won't stop. I've already paid them 775 for a loan of 350. They won't tell me where they are located
