Fifth Third Bank
Moved paid items up three days to get three overdraft fees

Business & Finance

I am so tired of being ripped off by fifth third bank!!!

I used my card twice on 9/5 and had over 400 left in my account. On monday the 8th a check for 700 came in on the same day iwrote it after close out and over drew me. I immediately put cash in the next day to cover the check and 1 over draft. Well the check was resubmitted the same day of my CASH deposit and it was send back AGAIN because they moved the two items up from 9/5th to 9/8th so they could get three overdraft fees in the amount of 111.00 which made me short on covering the check, I am a business person and was Totally embarrassed by what they did, There is not one thing right about what they do and in the past two years it has cost me over 1000.

They prey on low income people so they can rob from us to give to the poor and i'm damned tired of it.
I want to start a grassroots advocacy group to STOP what big business is doing to people who are low income. It is time to start speaking out about how this country is ran by corporate business who don't give a shit about humanity.

Company: Fifth Third Bank
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
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Fifth Third Bank

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Fifth Third Bank
5/3 Bank () Charging overdraft fees on pending transactions

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Fifth / Third Bank
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