Quicken Loans
Why is Quicken Loans a dishonest company? Let me show you. Michigan

Business & Finance

Quicken Loans has been around for quite some time. There are many bankers in that company that are good. Most are inexperienced. I am a current employee, although not for very much longer. There's too much dishonesty, I am not comfortable misleading people the way we are expected to. Not all the time mind you, but in most cases. The fact of the matter is that it's likely a better bet to work with a better respected company, and one that doesn't pay all it's bankers on commission. Yes we are trained to convince you that we are the greatest banker in the history of mortgages, yes we will tell you we will work together with you forever and ever... And we will, when we are ready to make more commissions. The cost of doing mortgages through our company is high. Period. There are two important things to consider, we will revisit the notion that we are all paid on commission. This is your house, your money and these are likely to be the largest transactions you will ever make. The company has a long history in the business, which is a plus, however the bankers likely do not. Before I wrap this up I want to exemplify to the reader exactly why i would urge you not to do business with our company. I like to imagine myself working through the day at my desk with a potential client at my side. I put myself in their shoes, as they hear everything thats said, discussed, reviewed, charged, etc. Everything from conversations about how I can get them to do something, how i can convince them a loan makes sense, how i can get them excited enough about saving money that they dont care about all the built in fees and premium (which makes additional commission). And now i decide as a potential customer (with the insider knowledge), do i work with this company or do i not? Occasionally we have GREAT loans for people that make sense, most of the time we are back on the phone selling our butts off trying to convince you of why you need to move forward. If you were to hear your banker discussing your loan with the #1 goal being the biggest paycheck possible i don't think you would, If you saw the insane hours your banker was working when the company/site needs more loans, if you knew the commissions being paid, the bonuses that get paid out, i believe you would reach a decision after one day in my office not to work with this company.

Company: Quicken Loans
Country: USA
Address: Nationwide USA
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