Resurgent Capitol Services
Tried to get SSN, And to pay off a Debt to Citi Financial that I have Never Had in my life

Business & Finance

They called my Cell phone and asked to speak to so and so. I asked them who they were they said it is Resurgent Capitol Services trying to Recover a Debt from Me to "Citi Financial" they then asked for my SSN (Im not Stupid) First I said to them I have never even Banked with Citi Financial, and Second I WAS NOT going to give them my SSN, she got very upset and said "why wont you give it to me" I said " This is the 2000 if you really think im that Stupid, Think Again. She said to me "well I have a SSN but I just have to make sure its you, I then said to her "well then tell me the SSN she said "I cant" I said why? She said because I would then have someone Elses SSN. I told her EXACTLY!!! So why should I give you mine Dont Think So. She then Hung Up on Me. I Hope to Gosh someone will Take Proper Measures to take Neccesary Measures so this "Supposed Fraud Company" can get the Proper Prosecution they Deserve.

Company: Resurgent Capitol Services
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Greenville
Address: P.O. Box 10525
Phone: 8662069770
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