Fairbanks Capital

Business & Finance

My mother has a loan with Fairbanks Capital. When my mother got behind they set her up on a payment plan that she had to pay a down payment and a payment and a half for 6 months. Well, that was back in 2001. Today, they are claiming that my mother is not caught up.

They loan servicing reps always claiming that they do not know why the account is not current but they are going to proceed with foreclosure. Per rep in January they account was 1800.00 behind. I sent a western union for 800.00 and begin paying 820.00 a month. Well, in October when I went to make a payment, the rep told me that the account was behind and that it was going back into forclosure, rep gave me the name of the Loan Conselor "Debbie".
I left numerous messages for the rep and we never got to talk to one another. I began to get concern because I was leaving messages almost everyday for a week straight and no reply.

One morning my mother got a call asking her did she know that her house was being foreclosed on that day unless she paid $3000.00 to catch up the payments. Called Fairbainks and I was told that we had a new loan rep. I left a message for Joannie to call me back, and she did.

Finally I thought I had someone that will help us straighten out this whole matter. She stated "I don't know why you are behind because this last plan should have brought you current." she stated that she will email some people and get to the matter straight, well since then, I found out she was like the rest of them and we have had 2 other reps since her and no one will call me back. I have spoken with a laywer in FL hooping that he will take this case.

Company: Fairbanks Capital
Country: USA
State: Utah
Phone: 8888186032
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