Multidistrict Litigation Mpls

Business & Finance

I too have been a victim of Amertquest. We had refided 2X with them. We are Class Action Rep's this case is taking way to long. We were offered 600.00 per loan if we signed off on any further action. Ha ha ha. They took us for 12.000.00. I want my money back with interest for the past 10 years.

The litigation is going on in Chicago and we may have to fly down there to testify and give depositions. I am diabled. We were told this would be over and done 1 year ago. Then the ass who owned Ameriquest was murdered as some have said or died and now they are just putting Citibank on the court papers... How long ago did Citibank buy them. Quite a while ago. They should have been on the original paperwork. I am sick of this waiting game I want restitution!!!

They have runied so many peoples lives. When I read this board it sickens me how many people have lost thier homes. Is there anyone on here that is part of the MDL Suit in Minnesota? I call my Atty every 2 week's and alway's there is a delay or this or that be patient. I don't want to be patient I want these theives to pay up!!! Anybody who is involved in the MDL even if not in MN please let me know have you heard anything. I wish there was someone besides my Atty I could get answerss from.

Company: Ameriquest/Citibank
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Minneapolis
Address: 4245 Regent Ave No
Phone: 7637447588
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