HSBC Retail Services
Furniture Row Outlet Adds unauthorized fees / charges from outside telemarketers / fraudulent transactions / cannot get cancelled / extortionist - pay whether you owe it or not or destory credity / Show Low / AZ

Business & Finance

I am currently experiencing major problems with this company. I bought furniture from Furniture Row Outlet in Show Low, AZ Dec 27,07 on a no payments till) 09 and no interest till 2011. Since then my balance has gone up from 3200.00 to 3800.00 then back down to 3500.00 (because of the local mangers interference in the fraud of HSBS). We are being charged hidden fees for "Creditkeeper - 9.99 monthly, and a Debt Cancellation fee of 32.00 monthly and rising (goes up with the balance each month). We NEVER signed up for these and we and the Furniture Row manager have repeatedly asked for them to be removed and our orignial purchase price to be reinstated. They are still on my current statement (dated 7-02-08) and now are claiming they will report me to a credit bureasu if I do not pay 46.00 (finance charges - none due till 2011) that I am delinquent. We had excellent credit until we made this purchase. I will never purchase anything that is fincanced by HSBC again and intend to fight this not because of the money but the principle. They are a scam bank who destroys peoples credit and adds fees at will without authorization. Buyer beware. Check this companies reputation before you fall victim. I am filing with the better business bureaus and any other claims necessary to restore my original balance and credit score.

P.S. I had 2 years to pay this off before finance charges were assessed. They would only be added if I was late or missed a payment (which I was not supposed to have until 09). Now because of the 46.00 owed for "Creditkeeper" and "Debt Cancellation" they have kicked in the finance charges early at the tune of 343.00. They are adding 162.00 a month to my balance!!! They are extoritionists and the Fair Credit Reporting Act should get involved with all the online comlaints.
Cheri and Bob Daniels - Show Low, AZ

Company: HSBC Retail Services
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
Address: P.O. Box 15521
Phone: 8003086970
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