ID Theft Services
Deducted money without authorization

Business & Finance

I requested financing e-point and these people got all my data. Associated with my bank acct. And taken 31.99 twice from my acct. Without my agreement used to do not donate to the corporation, and that i would really like a reimbursement, our termination number is, 2668202. Thanks, karen fonseca.

Company: ID Theft Services
Country: USA
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Unified Services

Advance Cleanse
Unauthorized charge of $149.95

Bank one
Ripoff took my money out of bank & accused me of doing it cant get a bank acct anywhere illinois

MTE Financial
Taking money from my acct

WLI reservation rewards
WLI reservationrewards ripoff deducted $9.00 from my acct 3 times with no authorization Internet

Unauthorized bank withdrawal!

Sterling Payment Technologies
Excessive, hidden termination fees regnetord/Govt. grants
Money debited from acct. With no approval

Takes money out of your bank acct. Without authorization, usually small amounts hoping u wont notice it
Consumer Report