Direct Merchant Bank
Fraudulent charge not removed

Business & Finance

I am completely disgusted by Direct Merchant and their protection of costumers.

A few months back I received charges amounting to $300 that were not by me. Evidentially they were made by some fishing tour company in Aruba stating that I no showed a reservation.

I let them know that I never confirmed any type of tour with this company and that the charge should be taken off.

Well the company supposedly came up with some sort of document, that I have yet to see, showing that I made a reservation. I asked to see the document and they are sending it but Direct Merchant stated that there was no further action that could be taken on part since they have this documentation. Even after I explained how easy it is to fake these types of things, they showed no interest. Why would they? It's $300 worth of charges they get to keep on my card.

I am furious that they are not even giving me a chance to review the documentation prior to making a final decision.

They obviously do not care about retaining customers so I immediately cancelled my credit card.

They can go screw themselves and I hope they go bankrupt.

They deserve it.

Company: Direct Merchant Bank
Country: USA
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Direct Merchant Bank
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