Advanta Bank
Interest rate went from 6.9 % to 34% in three months! Fraud! Nationwide tv exposure is coming!

Business & Finance

This company is absolutly fraudulent! They are scam artist and flat out liars
I am building a website RIGHT NOW to collect names and email addresses of other individuals who have been ripped off by this bank.

I will be producing a video for nationwide distribution listing the thousands of customers that Advanta has ripped off!

I will followup with website address when web site goes online.

My personal case:
They hiked my interest rate to 34% with ABSOULUTLY NO VALID REASON ever given!

I transfered a balance to there bank because of the low interest rate.
I was a perfect client but they said it did not matter. They had the right to up interest rates and we should have read there letters from January.

They then promptly the next month said they received a payment 1 day late so the jumped the rate to 34 %. First of all it was NOT LATE!
And they could not even verify when they received the payment.

THEY MADE IT ALL UP over a three month period! There customer service was rude and absolutly lied about everything as if the were being told what to say.

My answer is: They will now be exposed AT ALL COST for dishonest practices. No legal loophole will save them from National Television exposure!

ADVANTA BANK and its officiers should all do prison time for the actions they are taken against innocent honest paying people. This is as bad as ENRON.

Just type the word in Advanta in a web search engine and you will find multiple sites of people posting EXACTLY what happened to me here!

Someone needs to step up and put a stop to this since the BBB of UTAH where this banks headquarters resides seems to IGNORE everything this bank is doing!

This time Advanta screwed the wrong people. I and others will expose them through a nationwide website and Video production with actual verified witnesses whom they have fraudently treated as they did myself!

I will release this information to all the major TV networks until this Bank is forced to be dealt with by the FDIC.

A class action lawsuit would only bring high paid lawyers to the surface.
Who would use there power and money to slide on some legal loophole.
The problem here is the corruption of the Bank Officers and there fraudulent customer service department

So when a Video Report hits the nationwide news with actual people's cases and verified deceitful actions by Advanta proven with a paper trail. ADVANTA BANK is screwed!

They can try to do PR coverup and quote sections in there credit card bylaws etc etc. But the television report will cost them MILLIONS in losses from potiential future clients. Its bad PR and its nationwide!

That will bring the credit card holders some satisfaction. Plus the threat of a class action lawsuit if they do NOT reverse the deceitful and corrupt actions they took against the many creditcard holders.

Nationwide Television Network Exposure will do far more damage then any lawsuit! This will bring Advanta to her knees forcing the (FDIC) goverment to investigate as ENRON was investigated.

I will be needing interviews and other information on people's cases against this company. Everysite I have gone too, everyones email is hidden which is understandable. So this may take some time to get developed. But stay tuned. I will be leaving a web address on a future update with all the information to assist in this action against this RIPOFF BANK!

Advanta and its bank offciers will be exposed nationwide!

Company: Advanta Bank
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Phone: 8007057255
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