American Neighborhood Housing Foundation
Check all of your options before calling this company

Business & Finance

I am one of millions of folks losing their homes to foreclosure. I received a card in the mail saying "We will stop your foreclosure". I called and made an appointment, bringing a check for $475 (more on that in a minute). At the appointment, I was given a brochure explaining what they do. I was told that they know high-level executives within the mortgage companies and that ANHF calls them and stops foreclosures. It was explained that this is a negotiating process and that in 95% of all cases, the foreclosure can be stopped without any more money. ANHF's fee for this service is $950, half of which is paid up-front and the second half in the form of a post-dated check. I was also told about their refund policy. If you deal with this company, make sure you ask about this policy. They tell you that if they are unsuccessful stopping the foreclosure, that you get a $500 refund from your $950 fee. Be very careful on this part. It is not if they don't STOP your foreclosure. Its if they don't get the mortgage company to cooperate in the development of a PLAN to stop foreclosure.

In my case, after sending them all of the requested paperwork, they called and said the mortgage company would stop the foreclosure if I paid attorney's fees of $2500. I told the guy in my initial interview that I had no more money. I had to borrow the money to pay these guys! Needless to say, the foreclosure went through and my house was sold. Two weeks later, ANHF cashed my second check, overdrafting my bank account. Their explanation was that my mortgage company and ANHF HAD come up with an action plan but I had not cooperated with it. Its not really a good action plan if its not do-able. They said that their "hard work" justified the $950 charge. Pretty sad since after their initial call to get all of my financial information, I had to initiate all contact with them. I had to call the trustee attorney just to find out if my house had been sold at auction. They promise to call you back in a "few hours" but I had to keep calling them. Their salesman says that 96 out of 100 would be happy with their service. Just curious if any other folks paid out $950 and still lost your house.

Company: American Neighborhood Housing Foundation
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Richmond
Address: 5310 Markel Road, Suite 110
Phone: 8042828090
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America Neighborhood Housing Foundation
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