United Legal Investigation
They have called and harrased me at work

Business & Finance

This company called my place of employment and left a message with my coworker to have me call them asap. When i got to work i returned the call to a Mr. Richard Johnson.

When he answered the phone he was very rude and told me that if i did not pay this debt there would be three charges against me and what would my kids do when they came to arrest me.

I continued to ask him questions about the debt and he continued to read off my social security number! He never answered any of the questions that i had to ask him! He continued to keep on the phone when i told him that i was at work... Everytime i told him i had to go he would start with the threats again on me bein arrested.

They should not beable to do this!

hanover, Pennsylvania

Company: United Legal Investigation
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Kansas City
Address: 110 9th Street
Phone: 7176887215
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