Lenox CapitalCorp FreedomResourse
Scammers ripoff liars victimized us Atlanta Georgia

Business & Finance

I got a call by a credit card company saying their name was Fresh Start.in the back of mind I remember a program named this and they help to re-establish your credit.
Abel S. Id-1079 He was very pushy and saying how much a good deal it was. And requested a one time charge of $221.95 be withdrawn from my bank account. He reminded me this card is total cash value and I could deduct the 221.95 from the card value of $2500. And I would recieve it in 10 days. The w/d was suppose to take place on the December 18,

Today I decided to contact them and research more before comitting my money to them. So I called and was on hold for 6 minutes and tryed again. Finally I got a women by the name of Holly-id 117 who said she was a supervisor. She said the company is under Lenox Capital Corp. And several other companys.

I told I wanted to know if they had a web site. I also wanted to check with the better business bureau to see if they were legit. I did give out my checking account and I'm so grateful I did my homework so now I can call my bank today and tell them to change my account number and dont let them get my money. I am truly grateful for everyone here exposing these rats. Shut them Down

Company: Lenox CapitalCorp FreedomResourse
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 6782390133
Site: www.freedomresource.cc
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Lenox Capital
Rip-off Dont let them take your money!

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Lenox capital
Lenox Capital Corp ripoff USA

Lenox Captial
MISREPRESENTATION FOR CREDIT CARD FOR ONE TIME FEE OF $221.95 rip off scam ripoff business liars

Lenox Capital

Lenox Capital

Lenox Capital
Lenox Capitol ripoff, false promises

Lenox Capital Inc

Lenox Capital aka. Fresh Start
Lenox Capital, Fresh Start rip-off fraud business lied to us

Lenox Capital
Ripoff, Fraudulent, Unauthorized Billing consumer fraud ripoff INTERNET