Cashnet Usa, Ameriloan, Etc
Payday Loan Sharking

Business & Finance

I was desperate enough and foolish enough to go to one of these online compaines. Please, for the love of all that is sacred, do NOT make the same mistake. Five different places on their application you are asked for a paydate. You might as well just click random numbers for all the good it does you.

The company apparently will attempt to withdraw your payment whenever the whim takes them. I've recently had to close my checking account because of it. They attempted to take money out of my account to the total of over $400.00 between themselves and overdraft fees, then put a hold on my checking account for an additional $300.

I am disabled. This left my income for the month a whopping $63.54, I broke down and bawled right there in my bank. The loan, incidentally, was for $150.00, that's it. One-hundred-and-fifty lousy bucks and they took me for well over $700.

I now have to beg landlord and utility companies to let me fall a month behind. Do not put yourself in this position. If you're desperate for money to fix the car / buy groceries / whatever... Sell your plasma or something, anything but one of these payday advance cons.

Company: Cashnet Usa, Ameriloan, Etc
Country: USA
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One Click Cash
Is a loan sharking racket They Hide Their Location From Customers

Trifecta Card
PayDay Loans Deducted money from my checking account twice On-line internet

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Global Payday Loan - Cash Net 500 Financial they withdrew $445.00 from my checking account without my authorization. My checking account is now -$107.00. They also charged me $270.00 in interest fees. Ripoff

Unauthorized Checking Account Debit

Ameriloan-One Click Cash
Constant Recurring Debits out of Checking Account, INC
Payday Scams

I borrowed 300 from ameriloan for a payday loan internet

Cashnet Payday Loan
Cashnet Payday Loan scammed out of hundreds of dollars under pretex of one $90 fee on $350 loan plus insuf fees when co tried to illegally get money ahead of due date Internet

Ripoff for sure I