Dr. Charleston Carll
Corporate Financial Credit, LLC. Charleston Company, LLC BEWARE OF DR. Charleston carll and his business practices.inglewood and

Business & Finance

After reading the reports of other individuals concerning Dr. Charleston Carll and having been caught up in his game since May I could not sit by and not warn people of this liar.

My company was introduced by another man to Dr. Carll as someone who could provide guarantors for funding on a project we are currently involved with. He assured us that he had current clients who we would be able to use.in addition, on this same phone call he claimed he could provide 100 clients to a company in New York who was also seeking help for his clients.

The company in New York never received ilegal docs that Dr. Carll promised he would be submitting. The company in New York already had made the assumption that this was all a bunch of crap and moved on.

I know personally that he has stated the following:

1) He is 35 years old (not according to his MY Space site he is 24 years old and a student suppose to be to in medical school) Of course he can lie about that also.
2) He is a Neurologist (LIE)
3) He has a JD degree in law (LIE)
4) He is an alumi of UCLA (LIE)
5) He lives in a $205,000, 000 home in Beverly Hills (FACT he actually lives in a 50 year old apartment complex in Inglewood, California and we believe he works out of his home not in the plush office in Beverly Hills) THIS IS FACT NOT FICTION The complex is up for sale for $200,000 according to public records. So it doesn't take a genius to figure out the kind of apartment he lives in especially with the real estate market in Ca.
6) He just inherited $65 million from his rich friend Joyce who is somehow connected to Frank Sinatra. He tells everyone she left him as Executor of her estate which is worth millions
7. He owns homes in various locations including Miami
8) He has an office in Beverly Hills
9) He was a former District Attorney in LA
10) I could go on and on about this liar, but it is so laughable that I have to give up the man to let the people know don't be taken by this person.
11) Everything that he has told a group of us is nothing but lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies.
12) He claims to be involved in some real estate deals also. He is probably using someone's credit to purchase these properties in Las Vegas.
12) He has so many scams under way there is various ways he can take your money so WATCH OUT!

He has told so many tall tales, he doesn't know fact from fiction.

I am glad that all I gave him was my valuable time and not the thousands of dollars that I know other people have done. They have fallen for this fiction of his capabilities and are going to suffer financially for it.

PLEASE don't have anything to do with this person. HE IS A FRAUD SPECIALIST and must be using this scam to put himself thru medical school.

He can tell you what you are wanting to hear, but facts are facts. We caught on to him and his lies before he could really do financial harm but please he is a FAKE FAKE FAKE!!!

Please help stop this kid. That is all he is. He is doing very well operting the programs he is pulling off. He must be stopped or he will hurt more innocent people.

I have contacted the Attorney General in California and also the FBI. He claims his twin brother Charles is a big wig for Universal and is suppose to be changing jobs to work in a major executive role with Google. We have insiders at Universal and they have never heard of this genius 24 year old named Charles Carll. Also his other brother is in the FBI.

People he is still committing fraud. Stop him please. He is a danger to innocent people who are seeking help. Help bring this person down.

Company: Dr. Charleston Carll
Country: USA
State: California
City: Beverly Hills
Address: 135 North Hillcreast Blvd
Phone: 3109405411
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