First Premier Bank
Screwed others too and victimized many consumers with charges on closed account. Look for yourself

Business & Finance

We closed our account back in JUNE OR JULY, We sent a check marked PIF and wrote on the bill to close the account.

A month later we got another bill (8/20) for $1.15 and called the company. Again we told them to close the account and paid the PIF. We did not get a bill for several month and now in November they have another $25 or so in NEW CHARGES from some online internet company with a disconnected phone number. How can this be on a closed account? Once again my husband called and also sent a letter disputing the account. We got a letter from the company dated 11/28 claiming they were looking into the dispute an would get back within 30 day. Tonight (Sunday) at 5:30 PM I get a call from Justin or Justice, trying to collect on this bill.

1) The account is in dispute so they can not try to collect on it.

2) They called on a Sunday and I think there is another law there that was broke.

3) How can a company accept charges on a closed account?

So I get online and look them up on (the better of the two) and to see if this is just us or something they do to everyone. I can tell you we're not that special. THEY DO THIS TO EVERYONE!

They just don't realize they messed with the wrong family. Mother is private investigator, Step Mom was/is FBI and I was in collections for 10 years. They don't have a chance.

Wish us luck in this... Looks like a win-win for us after tonight...
In writing they claim...

Your Rights And Our Responsibilities After We Receive Your Written Notice. We must acknowledge your letter within thirty (30) days, unless we have corrected the error by then. Within ninety (90) days, we must either correct the error or explain why we believe the statement was correct. After we receive your letter, we cannot try to collect any amount you question, or report you as delinquent. We can continue to bill you for the amount you question, including FINANCE CHARGES, and we can apply any unpaid amount against your credit limit. You do not have to pay any questioned amount while we are investigating, but you are still obligated to pay the parts of your statement that are not in question. If we find that we have made a mistake on your statement, you will not have to pay any FINANCE CHARGES related to any questioned amount. If we didn't make a mistake, you may have to pay FINANCE CHARGES and you will have to make up any missed payments on the questioned either case, we will send you a statement of the amount you owe and the date that it is due. If you fail to pay the amount that we think you owe, we may report you as delinquent. However, if our explanation does not satisfy you and you write us within ten (10) days telling us that you still refuse to pay, we must tell anyone we report you to that you have a question about your statement. And, we must tell you the name of anyone we reported you to. We must tell anyone we report you to that the matter has been settled between us when it finally is. If we do not follow these rules, we cannot collect the first $50.00 of the questioned amount, even if your statement was correct.

Company: First Premier Bank
Country: USA
State: South Dakota
City: Sioux Falls
Phone: 8009875521
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