Commercial Credit Bank
Ripoff fraud

Business & Finance

Hello Sir,

I got a call from Commercial Credit Bank on November. They said Iam approved for the MAster card with a credit line of $2500. They said I have to pay a membership fee of $269. They said they will send me the card with in 14 business days. They gave me a customer ID and a toll free number. They took the amount from by bank on November 29th. I waited for 14 business days. I called the toll free number and a customer representative took the phone. I gave my customer ID and told them that I havnt got my credit card yet. He said they are inchagrge of commercial credit and they will send a report to commercial credit bank. I got the customer representative name who attended my call.

I called them after a week and I asked for that guy. They said he left the guy. Again I explained the whole scenario to another representative and got his name. I called them a week later and they said the guy whom I spoke to last week left the company.

Each ane every time I call them I couldnt get a proper reply. They treated me badly over the phone not even listening to my request. I was very much embarassed by calling them. Each and every time I call them they say that they will send a report to commercia credit. I havnt got my credit card yet. I am very much worrried. I wanted to sue them for treating me so badly over the phone and not giving me a proper reply. Please help me out in this.

Their phone number is 1-877-828-8884. My customer number is 200147. Please help me out in resolving my problem.

Company: Commercial Credit Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: North Palm Beach
Address: 772, US Highway 1, Suit 200
Phone: 8778288884
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