Household Finance
Company delays payments to get late fees from customers

Business & Finance

Ok, I know I'm not alone... For three months ive tried to get a supervisor at HFS. They are never available. They say it took my payment 10 days to go from Utah to California... Pony express was faster... Now they want to charge me a late fee.

For the past three payments i have asked for proof of it being late. They havent, yet no supervisor will take my calls... I've been promised that a supervisor would call me back directly... Joke!!!

So i guess they can kiss my rear end when i get a different mortgage... Im sure its no loss to them, they have got a few thousand other people they can swindle. I sure hope the FEDs look into thier financial practices.

Lets band together and boycot them... My payment may not be there when its expected... And i'll do as they did... Blame it on the pony express... They are the lowest form

Company: Household Finance
Country: USA
State: CA, Nationwide
City: CA
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