Wells Fargo
Hold on my money

Business & Finance

I have to say that Wells Fargo pissed me off for the last time. I made a deposit exceeding 5k on 6/13/08 so there was a hold placed on the check and was told on 6/16/08 by a phone banker that the hold would be removed on 6/17/08. I then questioned him several time to make sure because I needed to write a check against those funds. They assured me that it would be removed on the 17th and it would be okay for me to write a check and as long as the person I was making it out to did not try to cash it on the 16th I would be fine. Well let me tell you how surprised I was on the 17th to see that the were now holding the funds until the 20th. So I called again to see what was the problem and was told that the can extend the hold at any time but when I got upset they said that if the check came in before the hold was lifted they would not return it. Well need less to say the check that I wrote to my 401K was returned and I was charged NSF fee after I was promised by two different supervisors that they would note my account and the check would not be returned. I can't wait until the return check clears to I can get my money out of there.

Company: Wells Fargo
Country: USA
Site: wellsfargo.com
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