Infinity Investments Robert Herman, Damon Hill, Errid Hicks, Secretary Jamilia, Posse
Stole from a lot of People

Business & Finance

Everything you are reading on is from real people who got a lot of money stolen from these crooks. There is only one way to bring this to a swift justice. Let the media know. I contacted Dracy at news 13 in Vegas. She just needs a victim to interview.

On their money laundering website Javis Foundation you can see them give an award to Monica Jackson from news 5 las vegas. I called her she didn't want the scoop. I wonder if she has some investments to where she could possible be involved with Infinity. Hmm... Anyway Darcy said she needs a local to do the interview. I emailed her over all my documentation today. She said the information was overwhelming. I am compiling a list of people I know are victims. Monday the Nevada attorney general will get my packet, the FBI will and most important the IRS. I am sure they will have a field day. These pieces of *# ARE GOING TO GET THEIRS from the feds. I would strongly suggest if you don;t want to be interviewed by her, call her anonymously and give her your story. I am sure enough people will even get her more motivated to dig. These guys are deeply rooted in the community. This would be a huge blow to them and their false relationships right off the bat. I think the local schools that they donate to or whatever should be notified that it is stolen money. Wew that is a good idea. That will open some community eyes as well. I am not going to add my whole story because it is almost identical to the other postings. These guys need to fry by the hand of the legal system. Local and state and federal authorities will make their case. People just need to keep filing complaints with the agencies.

Company: Infinity Investments Robert Herman, Damon Hill, Errid Hicks, Secretary Jamilia, Posse
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 1641 E Flamingo Las Vegas NV
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Infinity Investments
Damon hill - robert herman - errid hicks were featured on channell 3 kvbc

Infinity Investments Ltd
The Irs is freezin Damon hills business accounts the ceo of infinity investments

Damon Hill Ceo Of Infinity Investments Of Las Vegas
Is fraud they scamme me out of 10,000.00 selling me fake corp and others too

Infinity Investments
Damon hill and Errid hick also ripped me off

Errid Hicks Of Infinity Investments Is Married To Yvonne Of Begging 2 Publishing
Errid hicks of infinity investments has started a publishing company called begining 2 end infinity ripp off innocent people

Infinity Investments
Dameon RIpped me off just like a previous file

Infinity Investment Services
Identity Thieves

Infinity Investments Ltd
Promise to sell you aged corp and boost ur credit then take the money and not delive

Infinity Investment Services

Pulishinq II End
The owner of publishin II end Yvonne Rainev Is married to Errid hicks who was just areested for fraud Las Vegas nevada