Ron Kort Masari Inc
Ron Kort is a joke! He charges outlandish fees and cannot justify on why

Business & Finance

Ron Kort the President of Masari Inc has made his money by fooling ederly people and tricking them into signing loans that have no benifit except to pad his own pockets. Ron, has refied many individuals and flat out stolen from them. What do I mean by that? He sets up a seperate entity and charges them on the HUD for services he does not deliver and the money all goes to him anyway. He charges 25k for Asset Protection. Who does that? He tricks 70 and 80 year people into signing these documents by telling these home owners that if they dont they may stand a chance on losing thier home. Ron drives around in his Bentley that he paid for with other peoples hard earned equity. After experiencing an awful encounter with Ron Kort I later found out from one of his former employees that Ron also makes his money by suing people. Not only does he commit FRAUD he also supplements his income by suing others for no other reason except for his own greed. I hope Ron gets a taste of his own medicine. He deserves to be in jail. If you ever meet this guy or do your research on him just know what type of individual you are dealing with. Scum bag!!!

Company: Ron Kort Masari Inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Ana
Address: 600 W Santa Ana Blvd Suite 101
Phone: 7144533400
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