Cash Call Loans
Biggest rip off in calif

Business & Finance

I made the big mistake of borrowing 2500.00 from these rip off artists 2 yrs ago. I have been paying them $216.00 a month for the last 24 months which is $5184.00. Over twice as much as I borrowed. I called them yesterday to ask for payoff imformation and I could not believe what they told me.

They said my payoff would be $2272.82. So that means after paying over 2 times as much as i borrowed my principal had only went down $227.18 I can't believe that could be legal in this state. I don't want to give these rip offs anymore money but I don't want to screw up my credit. I would appreciate any advise on what I can do.

Company: Cash Call Loans
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 9497524600
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I made the mistake of borrowing 2500 dollars and now they wont give me my payoff balance they said i have to go on line but there is no way of getting in to get my payoff and they will not give it to

Preditorial loan

United Cash Loans
I borrowed $300 in September, they have taken $625 and still say I owe $260 to clear balance today

Wells Fargo

Cash Call
Misleading, harrassing, rude, untruthful

UnitedCash Loan
Borrowed $300.00 and so far I have paid $500.00 was told my next schedule payment will be due next pay and they will withdrawl $125.00 not sure why I am still paying off a $300.00 dollar loan. Miami

Fairbanks Capital
Aka Loan Servicing Center payoff ripoff

UnitedCashLoan And 500FastCash
I borrowed $150.00 from UnitedCashLoan online and now I am being ripped off for $555.00. The service fee is $45 a month, after the 5th month you start paying back the loan. Oklahoma

GE Money
GE Money Won't Respond Ripoff

Emc Mortgage
Corp I asked for a payoff and they tell me now I have to pay additional interest every month until paid in full