M&T Bank
M&T Stole $500.00 of my money plus charged return check fees!

Business & Finance


I want to warn everyone before M&T Bank gets you! I am warning you if you use M&T Bank immediately go and remove your money and choose a better bank to handle your money. I went on vacation to Mexico May 18 - May 25. When in Mexico I paid several bills, and transfered $500.00 from a money market savings account to my checking account. I paid $500.00 on one of my credit cards. I had just gotten married so I also wrote a check for $310.00 to pay for a dj the night of the reception. After returning online to check the status of my account, I found that my account was negative. I thought this was impossible because I had over $1,200 in the account. I checked through the list of transactions on my account to find that the Bank transfered 500.00 from my checking to my money market savings INSTEAD of transfering it from my savings to checking. This caused my payment from my credit card to bounce and the payment to my dj to bounce. The then charge me around $65 for both bounced fees. So, I proceeded to contact them and the lady told me that there was nothing they could do it was not a mistake on the part of the bank. So, finally after I realized that I wasn't going to get anywhere with the bank, I decided to transfer $800.00 from savings to checking. This took my balance at around $900 - $1000.00 I then proceeded to think that this would cover my payments. So, they deducted the money out of my account to resolve these payments. I received a notice from the dj that they still returned his check. Also, I had been informed by AMEX that they returned my one payment. So, I proceeded to pay another time on AMEX. Finally my account went from around 900 - 1000 down to around 190. After two more payments cleared I went in and closed the account. So, if my account was 900 - 1000 and the check was 310 and AMEX was 500... Where did my other money go that disappeared from the account? It didn't go to the payments I was trying to make. So now I have a huge outstanding balance on my AMEX and a returned check to resolve from a dj. With around $800 less than what I should have had if they didn't make my payments... So, where di dthe money go? I'm warning you remove your money NOW... This bank steals money..

Company: M&T Bank
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Hagerstown
Phone: 3017902326
Site: www.mandtbank.com
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