Infinity Investments
Is A Scamm I Believe The Report promissed funding for my customers and cheated us

Business & Finance

I have been doing business with them for a few months but do to the fact that i can't devolge my name because i stand to loose all my customers i am annonymos. I have been promised for over a month that my customers accounts will be funded but even after many calls and promises nothing has happened. They know who I am Eric has faxed me approvall letters a month ago and nothing has been happening except them collecting money. I know believe something is wrong with them and i dont have the pleasure to visit them because I am out of state. I will be though contacting the authorities regarding this matter and the previous complainer.

Its harder for me because I have to speak to my customers rather than make complaint on thier behave. I have gotten angry calls from my customer because of Infinity Investments but they keep delaying and promising later dates for funding. You migh be able to defend yoursel by lieng regarding the previous complainer but I have many customer who I can prove have waiting for ur fradualent funding promisses.

Please I wonder what kind of rebbutal Infinity will have now, I will be happy to reveal myself once i speak to all my customer know that I can see from the previous filer that ur a fraud and I havent been with you for 21 or 28 or whatever its been over 2 month I have e-mail and approvall faxes from Infinity dating months ago. Robert and Damon who knew

Company: Infinity Investments
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 1641 E. Flamingo Rd
Phone: 7027379220
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Infinity Investments Ltd
The Irs is freezin Damon hills business accounts the ceo of infinity investments

Infinity Investments
Dameon RIpped me off just like a previous file

Infinity Funding Corp - Infinity Fundung Group, Infinity Mitigation Services
Infinity Funding Corp - Infinity Mitigation Services Foreclosure Scam Artists and Thieves

Damon Hill Ceo Of Infinity Investments Of Las Vegas
Is fraud they scamme me out of 10,000.00 selling me fake corp and others too

Infinity Funding Group

Infinity Auto Insurance
Poor Customer Service

Infinity Investments
Damon hill and Errid hick also ripped me off

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Efusing to take responsibility

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Scammed me out of $2000.00

Infinity Funding Groupof Bohemia N.Y
Neil Singer and Paul Tantillo FRAUD-MONEY THEFT