Nationstar Mortgage, Centex
Mortage lender theives that steal your money, don't return calls, false late fees

Business & Finance

We have continually been charged false late fees, even when payments are made on time or within the grace period. When questioned they can't defend their actions, yet do nothing to change or fix the situation. We estimate we've been overcharged more than $2500 in just a few years.

Our ARM started out as a $500 a month payment and is now well over $800 per month. As interest rates go down, or interest rate with Nationstar goes up. As mortgage values drop, our rates increase.

This company never returns phone calls or messages, and contacting them through their website is a total waste of time.

Buyer Beware... This company is out to rip you off.

Company: Nationstar Mortgage, Centex
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: PO Box 199400
Phone: 8003069027
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