America's Serviving Company
Warning - Loan Modification could only speed up FORECLOSURE! Be careful

Business & Finance

To any people that may be considering or already involved with a Loan Modifaction with America's Servicing Company (ASC) or really any other company get everything in writting and DO NOT under any circumstances stop paying your mortgage payments (if you can).

We were current on our loan and called for a modifaction of our ARM - that we had paid faithfully for three years. We were told we were pre-qualified for the program and it would take a few weeks. Well this process went on with one lie after another, I know now that they were lying - just didn't know it then.

The whole time we were told that this would not affect our credit and we would not get any late fees - which we didn't.

Not until the modification was rejected on March 21st - we got the letter March 26th. Then they foreclosed on us on April 1st - no joke but we were the fools for beleiving them.

They told us to stop making our payments to speed up the process.

Yeah the process of them foreclosing on us!!!
Look to do a refinance with a good company - do your research - I wish we would have. Sure the fee for the re-fi is higher then there fee would have been but no our credit is shot and we can't get one.

Pay the higher price and know what you are getting into - in writing - what ever you do DON"T BELIEVE ASC.

I don't even think the emplyees know that they are lying - they are just telling the customer what they have been told. I feel sorry for them - they are destroying lives and probably most don't even know it.

Any one who needs more details about this or anyone else who wants to look into legal action agaisnt this company please contact me.

Please tell everyone you know to avoid this company and all it's partners at all costs - Ameriquest and Argent were the orginators of this loan. Also Scott Bishop with BEEHIVE MORTGAGE was our broker. This loan has been a nightmare from the beginging... If you want your dream home just remember it has to come with a dream loan or you will end up like we are!

Company: America's Serviving Company
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moine
Phone: 8662755570
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