NCRC, National Consumer Resource Center
Ripoff scam deptive empty promises of debt relief!

Business & Finance

I cannot believe the problems I am having with this company, are the same ones I have read in the other complaint letters on this site!

I realized that since I have been with NCRC since June I have paid $8700.00 and my balances have not changed one damn bit!!!

I am in the process of ending their services, what a waste! I cannot believe I have been wasting this money!!!

Saint Petersburg, Florida

Company: NCRC, National Consumer Resource Center
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Coconut Creek
Address: 3700 Coconut Creek Pkwy Ste#120
Phone: 9549568868
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National Consumer Resource Center
Ripoff dishonest make you think they are helping you and all the time they are ripping you off

NCRC - National Consumer Resource Center
Does not pay on time, accept responsibility, return calls, or help at all. Rip-off!

National Consumer Resource Center - NCRC
Failed to return refund at end of program

National Consumer Resource Center, Inc. / Debt Consolidation Group, Inc
National Consumer Resource Center, Inc./Debt Consolidation Group, Inc. Skipped payments to creditors and did not return set-up fee

National Consumer Resource Center - NCRC
Withholds GUARANTEED refunds to clients

NCRC National Consumer Debt Center
Inept Irresponsible Unprofessional Organization rip-off

National Consumer Resource Center - NCRC
National Consumer Resource Center (NCRC) Debt Management Rip-Off! Late Payments, Long Negotiations, no interest rate reduction

National Consumer Resource Center, NCRC) Or Debt Consolidation Group DCG
National Consumer Resource Center, NCRC Or Debt Consolidation Group, DCG Took my money and ran

National Consumer Resource Center
Was not refunded $648.00 when NCRC went out of business

Narional Consumer Resource Center - NCRC
Promises Set-up refunds doesn't deliver Steals them instead