Kent Woodhouse - AFL Arbitrage Systems
Absolute brazen scam Promises lies false returns and thieves Queensland

Business & Finance

Well, my name is David and in August 07, I received a glossy brochure from a Queensland based Company (AFL Arbitrage systems). They have now changed their name to Kent Woodhouse. I can only assume that this is due to the fact that they have duped a great many people out of their hard earned cash.

To cut a long story short, I was phoned on numerous occasions by a very persistent sales person (if I could remember her name I would post it here), offering me guaranteed returns on sports arbitrage, which as it turns out is a gambling system. I only purchased their "investment" after being assured that the returns were to be guaranteed in writing.

I spent over $11,000 on their system and so far 8 months later have less than $800 in my account.

I was PROMISED returns of 60 to 70,000 at the end of 2 years assuming their compounding interest rate of 5% per week.
And yes I know what you must think, if it sounds too good to be true it usually is, but I did the maths and it all seemed to add up..

I have all but written the money off, although I intend to fight this company all the way like Susan and Paul.

I would love to know how people like this get away with stealing from hard working Australians?

Yes, I have phoned AFL and Kentwoodhouse or whoever they are this week and receive nothing but false promises to get back to me, and "we'll look into it" etc...

No phone calls are returned... Ever. I have also checked their Company background, unfortunately, after the fact nd they have gone into liquidation several times, each time with a name change.

The reason I'm writing this is to warn others about these thieves. Yes THIEVES, that is all they are, Stay away from them, they will only cause heartache.


Company: Kent Woodhouse - AFL Arbitrage Systems
Country: Australia
City: Gold Coast
Address: 3070 Gold Coast Highway Surfers Paradise
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Kent Woodhouse & Associates
AFL ARBITRAGE SYSTEMS These people rang us on 20/2/08 and told us about these shares that would give us a great return, then after paying them $7,600, then recieving a letter from kent woodhouse to now say that they are low

AFL Arbitrage Pty Ltd - Kent Woodhouse & Associates Pty Ltd
We too have been scammed! Queensland

Afl Arbitrage Systems, Kent Woodhouse & Associates
Shameful deception

Afl Arbitrage Systems Pty Ltd Aka Kent Woodhouse & Associates Pty Ltd
Arbitrage a sport betting service, they say you can not loose, the only risk is that one month winnings may be less than other, we investered $7500 they stole it all BEWARE Queensland

Kent Woodhouse & Associates Pty Ltd - AFL Arbitrage
Kent Woodhouse & Associates Pty Ltd Sold Arbitrage trading A/c to me for $8000 promiseing monthly reports which lasted about 6 months then a letter saying they are having problems then nothing

Kent Woodhouse Associates Afl Arbitrage
Absolute bastards they took all my money i cant afford it! Scum should be illegal Surfers Paradise Qld Austrlaia

Afl Arbitrag Systems Pty Ltd A.C.N. 109935999
I and my husband joined into Afl arbitrage systems at Nov. I received a letter about changed the company name to Kent woodhouse & Associates PTY Ltd. I demanded my back through mail. But they didn't give me any reply

Kent Woodhouse & Associates Pty Ltd - AFL Arbitrage Pty Ltd
Liers Queensland

Kent Woodhouse & Associates Pty Ltd ACN 129 014 393
Kent Woodhouse & Associates Pty Ltd ABN 129 014 393 AFL Arbitrage Systems Pty Ltd ripoff - non-performance, non-communicative, scammers Queensland

Kent Woodhouse & Associates Formerly AFL Arbitrage Systems
AFl Arbitrage - Scam or just very poorly managed, QLD Othe