World Market Systems
Not living up to their word, I Smell "SCAM"

Business & Finance

I originally had doubts about this company but at the time it sounded legit. They buttered me up everyday for about two days after I joined for 250 and was led too believe that I wouldn't have to spend agin for a while. The third day i was confronted with options that I supposedly had to take in order to start making money (a measely 300 or 20 for every purchase) they wanted at most 1000 for indexing and other web activities. After struggling to break loose fro the salesman for almost an hour, he somehow brang it down to 250 and got me to give in.

Later on that week i started wondering, why the so concerned salesmen all of a sudden stopped calling with info, so I went online and found this site with many reports on this business. So far i canceled over 48 hours ago and too this day I have no confirmation as too wether i have been canceled or not because I was told I had to be tranfered from the customer service department to some other department and that I would recieve a call within 24-48 hours concerning cancellation.

So far I have recalled twice and was told the same thing by what seems too be a very small amount of people that know each other on a personal level. So far they are taking every step the other disgrunteld consumers have reported they would take. I have yet to get my money back, And I don't give away money for free! By the way tommorow will make 72 hours, no returned call as yet.

Company: World Market Systems
Country: USA
Phone: 8882318526
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